(function () { var Translations = { AdjustmentData : "Adjustment Data", alert_close_button_text : "OK", alert_info_header_text : "Warning", alert_please_correct_errors : "Please correct the following errors:", AlternativesFromERPNotFoundCaption : "Show alternatives from TecDoc", AlternativesFromERPNotFoundText : "There were no alternative found in ERP system. Do you want to see the TecDoc references?", AreYouSure : "Are you sure?", ArticleNotMatched : "Article Not Matched", articles_article_number : "Article Number", articles_manufacturer_details : "Manufacturer details informations", articles_manufacturer_no_data_found : "No data found.", articles_no_article_found : "No article found.", articles_no_article_found_change_market : "No article found in current market. Please change market back to position\u0027s origin.", articles_no_connection_to_webshop : "Connection to WebShop failed. Please check your WebShop credentials.", articles_no_supplier_found : "No supplier for selected group found.", articles_please_provide_articles_search_criteria : "Please provide search criteria.", articles_plese_refresh_webshop_statuses : "Webshop statuses may be out of date. Please refresh.", articles_pseudoarticle_cannot_be_passed_to_webshop : "The WebShop does not contain information about the articles packages.", ArticlesComparison : "Articles Comparison", Back : "Back", BadLogout : "Dear user, we noticed that you did not correctly log out the last time you were using the catalogue. If you do not log out correctly, in addition to potential security risks, you may have to wait for a certain amount of time until you will be able to log in again. Because of this, please remember to correctly log out in the future. Thank you.", BeforeTakingSalesDocumentToCartPrompt : "This will clear your shopping cart and fill it with selected document data. Proceed?", BeginNewEreClculationWithPrompt : "Clear sales cart content prior to enter ERE calculation. \u003cbr\u003eIt will protect from incosistent results.\u003cbr\u003e", BeginNewEreClculationWithPromptCaption : "Clear sales cart content.", CartHistory : "History", change_password_for_user : "Change password for user", ClearHistoryConfirmationMessageOffer : "Are you sure you want to clear the full history? You will not be able to restore it.", ClearHistoryConfirmationMessageOrder : "Are you sure you want to clear the full history? You will not be able to restore it.", ContactForm : "Contact form", DoYouWantToClearUserDefinedArticlesList : "Would you like to clear your fluid database?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromCartAfterCartSettingsChanged : "You changed some preference(s) that affect your shopping cart. Would you like to clear it now?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromCartAfterEnteringArticlesTree : "You entered articles tree choosing a different car. Would you like to clear your shopping cart?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromCartAfterImpersonationChanged : "You changed the customer in the name of whom you are working. Would you like to clear carts now?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromCartBeforeTakingTemplate : "Would you like to clear your shopping cart before taking the template?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromPurchaseCart : "Would you like to clear your purchase cart?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromPurchaseCartAfterOrder : "Your order has been placed correctly. Do you want to clear the cart now?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromSalesCart : "Would you like to clear your sales cart?", DoYouWantToRemoveAllItemsFromSalesCartAfterOffer : "The offer has been created. Do you want to clear the cart now?", EreCalculationFullPrompt : "This module entails extra costs. Each new calculation will be charged. To get the rates, please contact your wholesaler.", EreCalculationFullTitile : "Do you agree to pay for ERE Calculation?", EreCalculationOnlyInIE : "ERE Calculation is available for your user, but it can be used only with Internet Explorer web browser. Please start ARMIN using Internet Explorer.", EreCalculationSimplePrompt : "This module entails extra costs. Each new calculation will be charged. To get the rates, please contact your wholesaler.", EreCalculationSimpleTitile : "Do you agree to pay for Ere Calculation Simple?", eurotax_to_tecdoc_id_error : "An article text tree for specified car cannot be displayed.", EurotaxAssociation : "Eurotax Association", HaynesProInformation : "HaynesPro Information", HiddenResults : "hidden", Imprint : "Imprint", Lubricants : "Lubricants", MaintenanceData : "Maintenance Data", NoCalculationFoundInSession : "No stored ERE calculation found for current session", NoResults : "No results", NoResultsAvailable : "No results with availability", NoResultsReportCodesFormat : "No results. Please report these values to ARMIWA: car={0}, codes=\u0027{1}\u0027)", Offer : "Offer", OpenStockArticlesImport : "Import stock articles", OpenUserDefinedArticlesList : "Fluid database", Order : "Order", OrderPlacedCartWillBeCleared : "Your order has been correctly placed. Your purchase cart will be cleaned.", password_enter_a_new_password : "Please enter a new password.", password_enter_an_old_password : "Please enter your current password.", password_enter_at_least_n_characters : "Enter at least {0} characters", password_good : "Good", password_passwords_must_match : "The password you entered could not be confirmed.", password_repeat_password : "Repeat Password", password_similar_to_username : "Too similar to username", password_strong : "Strong", password_too_short : "Too short", password_very_weak : "Very weak", password_weak : "Weak", Plate_information_label : "Information for the License", Plate_vehicle_details : "Vehicle details", preferences_for_user : "Account Preferences", Print : "Print", PrintMaintenanceCheckList : "Print Maintenance Check List", PrivacyPolicy : "Privacy Policy", ProceedWithQuickOrder : "Do you want to proceed with the order?", prompt_Cancel_text : "Cancel", prompt_No_text : "No", prompt_Yes_text : "Yes", ProvideSearchCriteria : "Please, provide search criteria", remove_impersonation_question : "Do you want to remove the impersonation?", RepairManuals : "Repair Manuals", RepairTimes : "Repair Times", Search : "Search", search_all_months : "All months", search_all_years : "All years", search_criteria_not_sufficient : "Please provide all necessary search criteria.", search_no_car_found : "No car found.", search_please_choose_year_and_month : "Search only by Month is not available. Fill in Year field.", setup : "Setup", StandardResultMessage : "Displayed {DisplayCandidatsCount} items from {SearchedArticleCount} available results.", start_impersonation_dialog_title : "Choose customer to impersonate as:", TechnicalServiceBulletins : "Technical Service Bulletins", TheCart : "Cart", TooManyResultsMessage : "Curent selection is limited to {DisplayLimit} from {DisplayCandidatsCount} available items. In total {SearchedArticleCount} items are found. Please change your search criteria.", TyresCriteriaGroup : "[Width][C.Section][R.Size][L.Index][C.Speed]", unable_to_impersonate : "Unable to impersonate, some error occurred.", UniversalPartsSearch : "Universal Parts search", user_password_false : "Wrong Password", user_wants_to_leave : "Would you like to leave this page?", user_will_be_redirected : "User is not authenticated. Click OK to redirect to login page.", vehicle_details : "Car details", VinQueryAlertMessage : "ou are going to access external Vin identification system. Using this system might involve some charges of hight 1EUR per Vin query. Do you agree for this conditions?", VinQueryAlertTitle : "Vin Query", VinQueryUserNotAuthenticated : "User not authenticated. Please contact system administrator.", VinQueryWrongVin : "Incorrect Vechicle Identification Number", AftermarketArticlesSearch:"Aftermarket", AlternativeArticles:"Alternative parts", OEArticlesSearch:"OE", PLSArticlesSearch:"PLS", SearchForArticlesEverything:"Find", AftermarketArticlesByPartNumbersSearch:"Aftermarket/Direct", AftermarketArticlesByComparisonNumbersSearch:"Comparison Numbers", ExtendedSearch:"Extended Search", FindArticles:"Find articles", imprint:"Imprint", about:"About...", options:"Options", AddAftermarketPosition:"New part", AddWorkItemPosition:"New work item", AddTextPosition:"New text", AddFluidArticle:"New fluid", EditAftermarketPosition:"Edit Aftermarket Position", EditOEPosition:"Edit OE position", EditGenericArticlePosition:"Edit generic article position", EditWorkItemPosition:"Edit Work Position", EditTextPosition:"Edit Text Position", EditFluidArticle:"Edit fluid", OrderPositionNotes:"Order notes", PrNumberSearch:"PR" } window.Translations = Translations; } )();